
A tool that quickly locates nearby Pokémon

  • Live visualization

    Live visualization of all the pokemon (with option to show gyms and pokestops) in your area. This is a proof of concept that we can load all the pokemon visible nearby given a location. Currently runs on a Flask server displaying a Google Maps with markers on it.

  • Open Source

    The project is an open source project hosted on Github under the GNU Affero GPL license.

  • Great Community

    We have an active community on GitHub and Discord.

Media Coverage

  • smashing magazine

    "Deciphered server data provides precise locations in a handy Google Map"

  • smashing magazine

    "This map can show the exact location of every pokémon around you"

  • smashing magazine

    "Diese Karte zeigt, wo sich wirklich Pokémon tummeln"

Project Managers

Ahmed Almutawa(Tolo) & JZ6

Contributors: VintageSucks, JonahAragon, Gaudon, memelyfe

Backend Devs

Oxid Marauder37
yigitserin Omkar Moghe
DerScreever Lunatik
Jake FallMonkey