Jay Zuo

Computer Science Specialist

Who Am I ?

Specialist in Computer Science
University of Toronto

Jay Zuo

When I am not developing, I enjoy snowboarding, longboarding and anything involving a board really!


Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, I recently moved to Toronto to pursue higher education at University of Toronto in the field of computer science. I was also a part of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, serving in 655 richmond squadron. I work as a ski patrol in the winter.


A catalog of my past works.

Rocket Map

Co-creator of Rocket Map
A continuation of PokemonGoMap

And maintainer of showcase Website

Written in Python
Over 10 million total views!
Open Source on GitHub with over 12 thousand stars and 6000 forks across two repos.

GitHub Link

Ten Twenty Four: A 2048 Clone

Download .jar file here

Java Source Code

Java needs to be enabled to view this applet

Fun and entertaining with custom options
Written in Java
Source code provided

Play in your browser!(under construction)

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